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Feeling Tired in waking up in morning
11 Aug, 2022

Feeling Tired in waking up in morning

You’re still lying in bed with semi-opened eyes. Your body is demanding more shut-eye. But when you reach out for your phone, you realise it’s way past your wake-up time. Even though you’ve clocked in 7-8 hours of sleep, you’re already feeling exhausted. You feel like an epidemic of tiredness has taken over you – so much that you can’t wait for the day to get over and envelope yourself in the comfort of your bed.

Take a moment and ask yourself-

Is this how I feel after waking up every other morning?

If you answered this with a yes, please don’t brush this condition off as just feeling tired. It’s much more than that. It’s pure morning fatigue that needs some severe lifestyle corrections.

Read on to explore the actionable steps you can take to wake up fresher so you take complete charge of the day.

1. Don’t hit the snooze button:

Yep, we understand that when you’re feeling tired, the first thing you want to do is sleep a little more.

But not many people know that every time they hit snooze, they impose fragmented sleep onto their system. And this sleep is far from healthy. Instead, it makes you dizzy and negatively affects the quality of the day.

A Houston Methodist, Leading Machine article says that those few extra minutes of sleep make you oversleep or hamper your sleep cycle. This condition translates into you feeling exhausted and tired.

In short, hitting the snooze button makes you feel everything you wouldn’t want to.

2. Make hydration your BFF:

Feeling fatigued is the first sign of a dehydrated body.

And your body goes without water for 6-8 hours at night.

You could say, “But I drink enough water in the day.”

Yes sure. But when you fall asleep, you lose a lot of fluid. The mere act of breathing pulls down your body’s hydration levels when you’re sleeping.

Hence, waking up with a glass of water is wise. It not only quenches your body’s hydration needs but also stimulates bowel movement.

3. Make a healthy breakfast your priority meal:

There’s extensive debate on whether breakfast is the day’s most important meal. But that’s a topic for another day.

There’s solid research done on the importance of breakfast to maintain excellent health. It turns out that skipping breakfast lowers your energy levels and shoots up junk food cravings, leaving you with little energy to get through the day.

If you want to maintain your energy levels throughout the day, eating your breakfast is non-negotiable.

Tip: Instead of eating cereals from packets, cook a hot and fresh breakfast.

4. Fix your sleep schedule and inculcate sleep hygiene:

Imagine this:

One night you sleep at 10 pm, the other night at 1 am, and the next night at midnight.

Aren’t these haphazard sleep timings going to confuse your body clock?

You will also end up feeling exhausted since you wouldn’t get quality sleep.

Instead, have a fixed sleep and wake-up time. Sleep doctors say this harmonises your body’s circadian rhythm and improves overall health.

Apart from this, it would help if you practised the following sleep hygiene principles:

  • Maintain a 2-hour gap between your dinner and sleep time.
  • No screen time at least 45 mins before you sleep
  • Take a few deep breaths before sleeping
  • Read something light

5. Patrol your coffee consumption:

We suddenly see a lot of smiles fading away. But hey, hold your horses. Read on why we say you only need to limit caffeine consumption and not bring it to zero.

We understand that your morning coffee is the deal breaker for the day. It helps you wake up from slumber. And that it also holds a special place in your heart.

But all we’re saying is go easy on the caffeine.

Because when you keep chugging down glasses of caffeine-loaded drinks, it can do more harm than good. It makes you feel jittery and anxious, and also tired. This research reveals how participants experienced less fatigue when they reduced their caffeine intake.

If you don’t want to welcome your morning feeling fatigued, replace the day’s 5th coffee with juices, tender coconut water, and sherbets. You have many options to choose from.

Try this; we promise you wouldn’t be disappointed.

6. Soak in Vitamin D:

About 1 billion people in the world face vitamin D deficiency. If not taken seriously, it can negatively impact a person’s health.

But in this blog, let’s specifically talk about how not getting enough vitamin D can leave you feeling tired.

When your vitamin D levels slump, it can lead to bone pain, lethargy, and low energy. It gulps away your enthusiasm to pursue any activity.

But when your body’s Vitamin D levels are met, it soars your serotonin levels. This precious hormone helps you sleep better and rest deeper, so you wake up fresher and more energised – ready to take on the day.

Pro Tip: Early morning and evening sunlight are the best times to soak in vitamin D.

These lifestyle changes can take a long way in improving your sleep quality and overall quality of life.

That being said, women have difficulty dozing off during their monthly cycles. The culprits to be blamed here are cramps and pain.

But the BIG news is that you don’t have to compromise your sleep quality and energy levels due to them. Welme brings a potent pain relief device with a 100% natural and drug-free device. It is designed using safe TENS technology and has zero side effects. This device accelerates the release of endorphins, a natural pain relieving hormone. The boost of this hormone reduces pain and improves overall mood.

The Welme pain relieving device is your ultimate armour to protect yourself during that time of the month.

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