How to Take Care of Your Skin While on Periods?
When experiencing PMS, the hormones in your body can negatively affect your skin, resulting in acne and a lackluster appearance during your menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle, the body undergoes physical and physiological alterations that can affect the skin’s moisture levels, making it either dry or oily. These changes occur due to the varying levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
It is necessary to make slight adjustments to your daily routine and skincare regimen during this time. The secret to achieving radiant and blemish-free skin is to begin preparing for the best skincare during the period. By adapting one’s eating habits and skincare regimen, it is possible to maintain healthy skin despite hormonal changes.
This article details the tips to maintain healthy and glowing skin even while on periods. Let us discuss how to take care of your skin routine during the period cycle in detail:
Master the Art of Skincare During Periods with These Tips
Use Homemade and Natural Ingredients on the Skin
Natural and homemade skincare ingredients are free from any synthetic or chemical substances. By using skincare products made from natural ingredients directly sourced from nature, we can achieve flawless skin during the period cycle. These natural components include aloe vera, castor wax, castor oil, coconut oil, turmeric, sandalwood, and rose water.
To naturally rejuvenate the skin and restore the skin’s lost luster., use natural ingredients such as milk cream and turmeric, homemade masks, fruit peels, yogurt, papaya, avocado, etc. The use of these ingredients during the menstrual skincare regimen can help to solve all skin problems, leaving you with a healthy, glowing complexion.
Eat Healthy for Glowing Skin During Periods
Your food intake contributes to both your internal and external body composition. If you consume nutritious foods during your periods, your skin will benefit greatly. Including flax seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, fish, and seeds in your diet can be beneficial. Consuming foods that contain vitamin E, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can also improve your skin’s health.
Furthermore, eating foods that are rich in minerals such as sweet potatoes, nuts, dark berries, salmon, and tomatoes can enhance the suppleness and radiance of your skin.
Utilize Quality Skin Care Products During the Period Cycle
Discover the items that suit you the most. Using cleansing wipes can be beneficial. Many women achieve positive outcomes with moisturizers and additional skincare products that provide nourishment, eliminate excess oil, and maintain clear pores.
It is recommended to try using facial cleansers during menstruation even if not used frequently. Opt for oil-free skincare and select light, water-based products. Ensure to wash off the products from your skin after use.
Avoid Makeup or Go for Minimal Makeup
It’s important to pay attention to your skin during your menstrual cycle, as it can become more sensitive. While wearing makeup may boost your confidence, using too much can have negative effects. Since your skin undergoes various changes during this time, it’s difficult to predict how makeup products will react. Avoid makeup if possible and allow your skin to breathe. If necessary, opt for minimal makeup application. It is important to remove any makeup before going to bed.
Wash Face Twice to Prevent Menstrual Acne
During menstruation, the skin can experience the occurrence of pimples and acne due to the overproduction of sebum during the menstrual cycle. It is further triggered by external elements like the presence of bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your face twice daily with lukewarm water and mild face wash containing salicylic acid to prevent bacterial growth.
Exfoliate and Cleanse Skin For Radiance
To enhance the radiance of your skin, minimize the appearance of blemishes, and avoid clogging of pores, exfoliation is a helpful cleansing technique. A homemade exfoliator can be prepared by blending coconut oil with either previously used coffee grounds or granulated sugar. However, excessive exfoliation, either by overdoing it or using an exfoliant that is too abrasive or unsuitable for our skin, may result in negative responses such as skin peeling, redness, and flaking.
Apply Natural Moisturizer As a Part of your Skincare Routine During Periods
Regardless of the skin type (dry or oily), moisturizing is crucial for achieving beautiful skin during periods. Daily application of moisturizer can provide deep hydration and give your skin a healthy glow. Natural moisturizers like oils, honey, aloe vera gel, milk, buttermilk, avocado, and cucumber juice can be used. Apply moisturizer to clean your skin after washing your face to prevent dryness. Keeping your skin moisturized helps prevent skin problems, and fights dullness.
Use Vitamin C Serum to Address Uneven Skin Tone Issues
During the menstrual cycle, uneven skin tone is a frequent skin concern that can result from hormonal imbalances and reduced production of sebum and collagen. The most effective method to address this issue is to utilize a serum that includes vitamin C or niacinamide. During menstruation, it is crucial to utilize mild products and steer clear of harsh exfoliants, or products that have alcohol as they can lead to dryness and irritation.
Use Steam to Combat Dryness
During your menstrual cycle, your skin may appear dehydrated, uneven, and unwell. To combat this, steaming your face can be a helpful solution to both restore skin hydration and minimize open pores. Utilizing the method of steaming is a beneficial way to revitalize your skin, leading to a more youthful and radiant appearance.
Take Shower Daily During Periods for Better Skincare
Wearing menstrual pads for an extended period may cause discomfort, including vaginal dryness and itchiness. To avoid such discomfort, it is advisable to take a daily shower during menstruation. A refreshing shower not only provides relief from stress but also promotes cleanliness and hygiene.
Ensure Proper and Sufficient Sleeping Hours
It is important to get eight hours of sleep every day, especially during a certain time of the month when the body undergoes significant changes. Neglecting adequate rest can negatively impact both mood and skin health. Ensuring sufficient sleep can result in a fresh and well-rested appearance.
Stay Hydrated to Keep Skin Moist
It is crucial to consume an adequate amount of water to maintain a balanced pH level for healthy skin. After using a face wash, rinsing your skin with water is essential to preserve the appropriate pH balance. Drinking water aids in the elimination of toxins from the body, and keeping hydrated is beneficial for maintaining skin elasticity and moisture.
During the menstrual cycle, your skin experiences various transformations due to fluctuating hormones, and as a result, it’s essential to adapt your skincare regimen to combat hormonal shifts. Also, stress and period pain are mood dampeners and can affect the skin negatively. Using a period pain relieving device can help alleviate your pain and have a positive impact on your skin health too.