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Sex During Periods – Should We Do It or Not on Those Days!
01 Oct, 2024

Sex During Periods – Should We Do It or Not on Those Days!

Is it Okay to Have Period Sex?

We are going to talk about something that no one talks about: sex on your period. While it might not be the most popular dinner table conversation, it’s perfectly normal to wonder if engaging in intimacy during menstruation is okay. The answer? It can be, as long as both partners are comfortable with it!

Many people find that having sex during this time can actually enhance intimacy and bring couples closer together. Plus, some report that orgasms can relieve menstrual cramps. However, it’s essential to keep a few things in mind. Communication is key, so make sure both partners are on the same page. And don’t forget the mess; laying down a towel can save your sheets from turning into a crime scene!

Now that we have broken the ice, it is important to talk about do’s and don’ts of period sex.

Pros of Sex during Periods

Periodically having sex may be fun and healthy. When it comes to having sex during period, there are several advantages.

Provide Relief from Cramps

Since the uterine muscles are contracting during menstruation, sex during periods might help with period cramps. Many times, women who orgasm—that is, sexual arousal—find that sex works miracles in easing stomach cramps because it produces endorphins, which helps period pain and makes one feel wonderful.

Release Endorphins That Helps to Ease Mood Swings

Actually, having sex during your period might improve your mood! Your body produces endorphins, substances that make you feel good, when you become intimate. These endorphins might make you happy and play a role in reducing mood swings. Therefore, some closeness might be exactly what you need to feel better and connect with your partner if you’re feeling a little down around that period of the month.

Increased Sex Drive

Your sex drive can shift a lot during your menstrual cycle, all because of hormone changes! Many people notice that their libido peaks during ovulation, which happens about two weeks before their period, while some of us feel even more turned on while we are on their period.

Acts as a Lubricant

Did you know your period can actually help make sex more comfortable? Your menstrual fluid acts as a natural lubricant, which can increase pleasure and reduce discomfort during intimacy. If you usually reach for store-bought lube to deal with dryness, this could be the perfect time to go all-natural! Your body is doing the work for you. Plus, many people find that this extra lubrication leads to a more enjoyable experience overall.

Ease Migraines

If you have migraine issues and always have migraine attacks during periods, period sex, helps to say goodbye to migraines during menses. When you have sex, your body releases endorphins—those feel-good chemicals that act like natural painkillers. These endorphins can help reduce the intensity of migraines, giving you some much-needed relief. Plus, the increased blood flow during intimacy can help ease tension in your head. However, it might not help each and every woman. Still, you can give it a try.

Shorter Period

Ahhh, isn’t this such a relief? We all want Aunt Flo to show up, say “Well, not pregnant!” and then be on her merry way. But nope—she loves to stretch out for a full five-day getaway, sometimes longer! Here’s the good news: having sex during your period can actually help shorten it. Yep, really! Orgasms cause your uterus to contract, which helps push out menstrual blood faster. So, if you’re one of those who deals with 6-7 day periods, this little trick might just cut that down.

Risks Associated with Period Sex

We’re sure when you read “sex on your periods”, you must have whispered to yourself: Is it safe to have sex during periods? Every coin’s got two sides, right? Same with periods! While period sex has some serious perks, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are a few risks you’ve gotta watch out for too.


So, does sex during periods cause pregnancy? Well, it’s less likely, but it’s definitely not impossible! The sperm can hang around in your body for up to five days. If you have a shorter cycle or irregular periods, you could still ovulate not long after your period ends. That means there’s a chance those sperm could meet an egg and—boom—pregnancy. If you’re not trying for a baby, make sure you’re still using protection, even when you’re on your period! Better safe than sorry, right?

Increased Blood Flow

One thing to keep in mind: increased blood flow during period sex. Sounds messy, right? Because your blood flow is already on the rise during your period, getting intimate can make things even messier.

Risk of STIs

Yep, it’s a real risk when you have sex during periods. Menstrual blood can change the pH of your vagina, making it easier to catch an infection from an untested partner. So, if your partner’s not been tested, always wrap it up with a condom or use a dental dam for both oral and penetrative sex.

Vaginal Dryness

Heads up: if you take out a tampon right before getting busy, you might deal with vaginal dryness. Tampons soak up not just the blood but also your natural lubrication, which can leave things feeling a bit dry down there. And we all know, dryness can make things uncomfortable or even painful during sex.

Hygiene Related Issues

It’s very natural to be a bit worried about hygiene. Menstrual blood may create a mess, which might not be everyone’s ideal. Unchecked, germs may also take a field trip and cause possible diseases.

Safety Tips for Sex During Periods

Just because there are risks with sex during periods doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy its perks! There are actually some pretty great benefits to getting intimate while Aunt Flo is in town. So, to help you stay safe and fully enjoy the experience, here are some tips to keep in mind. Let’s dive in!

Keep Hygiene on Top

Always give cleanliness top attention when having sex during your period. Maintaining cleanliness always guarantees nothing goes wrong. A basic towel can catch spillage, and a thorough wash later goes a long way. Remember everything in moderation! Therefore, stay laid back and keep it fresh to enjoy all the excitement free from concern. You got this.

Go for Smooth, Lighter Sex

Think about keeping it laid back with lighter or smoother sex while on your period. This includes choosing gentler poses and paying close attention to your comfort level. Without any extra pressure or pain, it may make things seem much more fun.

Less Positions, More Comfort

When you’re on your period, keep it low-key! Go for positions that are comfy and chill. Sticking to what feels good can make the whole vibe way more enjoyable without the stress of complicated moves. It’s all about the connection, so don’t stress about trying to pull off wild positions. Your comfort is everything, so feel free to spill the tea with your partner about what’s working for you. Just keep it easy and fun!

Communicate with your Partner

When it comes to period sex, talking it out is key! Don’t be shy—share how you’re feeling, what you like, and any worries you might have. Keeping the convo open helps both of you feel more at ease and connected. Whether it’s about comfort levels or trying something new, just keep it real. Remember, good communication makes everything more enjoyable, so spill the tea and have fun!

Pick a Lighter Day

Picking a day when your flow is lighter is a total win! Less blood means less mess and less pain, making everything way more chill. You want to enjoy those sensations free from thinking about the additional work. Moreover, orgasms are all about that pleasure and fulfillment, hence a lighter day just helps to ease things. Thus, watch your cycle and schedule the perfect day to get it on!

Don’t Forget to Use Protection

Stay safe, fam always! During period sex, protection—that of condoms—is extremely important. It not only helps stop pregnancy but also maintains hygiene and lowers the STIs risk. Moreover, it’s a smart approach to regulate that complicated scenario. Thus, never skip this stage; always have some protection close at hand!

[To make a] long story short

While the idea of having sex during your period might sound kinda gross to some, it’s actually a totally normal and enjoyable experience! A lot of people find that getting it on during their flow helps relieve cramps, thanks to those feel-good endorphins released during orgasm. But let’s keep it real: the myth that you can’t get pregnant while on your period is just not it. Sure, the chances are lower, but you can still end up with a surprise, so always use protection if you’re not trying to start a family.

If period sex isn’t your jam or those cramps are still hitting hard, check out the Welme period pain relief device. It’s designed to help ease discomfort. At the end of the day, it’s all about comfort and a sense of rest during periods. So, enjoy the perks of period sex, and remember that everyone’s experience is unique. Just do what feels right for you, and make it a fun and satisfying time together!

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