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How to Stop Period Pain Immediately?
30 Jul, 2024

How to Stop Period Pain Immediately?

Life’s tough enough already, right? And then, just to top it off, periods come along with their own set of challenges. It’s like, seriously? For about 5-10% of women, period pain isn’t just a minor inconvenience—it’s a full-on, can’t-get-out-of-bed nightmare. Trust us, it’s unbearable. John Guillebaud, a professor of reproductive health at University College London, even mentioned that some patients describe the cramping pain as “almost as bad as having a heart attack.” Yep, you read that right.

There are so many hidden reasons behind this, and it’s becoming way too common. But let’s not dwell on that for now. Instead, let’s talk about how to stop period pain immediately because no one has time to be sidelined by cramps. You can try a few things right at home.

How to Stop Period Pain Immediately at Home?

They say nothing can happen overnight, but with our guidelines, your period pain will sling its hook in no time.

1. Period Pain Relief Device

Are you having a number of errands to run here and there? If so, a period pain relief device is a must-have for you. Worried about how to stop period pain immediately? A period pain relief device can do its magic. It is a clinically tested, scientifically proven period pain relief device that uses TENS therapy. You must be wondering how it works. Well, it’s all-natural, medication and chemical-free, and works by inducing endorphin production while thus regulating pain signals. It also reduces inflammation and helps your nerves to be retrained. Basically, it’s the fastest, safest, most successful pain-relieving treatment available.

2. Period Pain Relief Patches

Another answer to your question on how to stop period pain immediately at home is getting the period pain relief patches. These patches are two varieties: heated and cooling, both meant to target the pain-ridden places and greatly ease the cramps. The cooling patches have ingredients like menthol and eucalyptus oil. The former offers a cooling sensation and the latter offers to reduce period discomfort. Just slap it, and you are good to go.

On the other hand, the self-heating patches generate heat to ensure blood flow to the painful area. It relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain. If your back pain comes in the B1G1 offer with period pain, you really need these patches. You can take these pads wherever you go.

3. Place a Hot Water Bottle

Relieve cramps and relax the muscles by pressing a hot water bottle or heating pad to the abdomen. Heat relaxes the uterine muscle and those around it, therefore relieving cramps and pain.

To help with back discomfort, you may also lay a heating pad on the lower back.

4. Painkillers

Painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen work by stopping the production of prostaglandins. Chemicals that act like hormones make the muscles in the uterus tighten, which is what causes period cramps. By lowering the amount of prostaglandins, painkillers can make those painful contractions less severe.

At this point, you might be wondering how to stop period pain immediately with painkillers. If you know that your period is coming up, take them the day before or as soon as you feel the first cramps. By being proactive, you may be able to ease the pain before it gets too much to bear.

5. Change your Positions

Changing your posture can greatly reduce the terrible cramps experienced during your period. Consider it as though your body becomes all knotted up after you have been sitting too long. You should get up, stretch it out, maybe go for a brief stroll. It’s like allowing your body to let go and release those cramps.

These days, your sleeping posture also greatly affects how well you sleep. Try resting on your back with a cushion under your knees—that will help your lower back relax and take a vacation. Alternatively, flip it and sleep on your side, kind of curled up like a small, cozy prawn. For some additional cozy support, stretch those legs or cuddle a body pillow.

Hence, keep in mind to blend it next time Aunt Flo knocks with those cramps. Look around, settle into cozy spots, and take a break from the crampy mess.

6. Acupuncture or Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupuncture spots for period pain relief both work by balancing the body’s energy fields again. It’s also called “Qi” in Chinese. Traditional Chinese medicine claims that Qi that is blocked or out of balance can cause pain and discomfort. The routines are meant to improve health and improve Qi flow.

Acupuncture and acupressure can help with period cramps because they cause the body to make more opioids, which are natural painkillers. By easing the muscles in the uterus, these ways may help ease cramps. Acupuncture and acupressure points that help with period pain may also help lower stress and worry by making you feel more relaxed.

7. Warm Bath

If nothing seems to be cut, a warm bath is always an answer. When you take a warm bath, the heat of the water relaxes your muscles and reduces the tension in your body. It helps you press a reset button on your body and your mood.

After a long day at work, a warm bath is the chill-out session you didn’t know you needed. You can soak away the stress and let go of those nonsense cramps. So, the next time you get period cramps, don’t sweat it. Just make yourself a sweet, warm bath, and don’t let those cramps come in between your tum time therapy.

8. Herbal Teas

When your period cramps are at their worst, herbal tea is like a warm blanket around you. Herbal teas are not only relaxing drinks, but they also have a lot of natural ingredients that help ease muscle cramps.

Then learn how to stop period pain right away with plant tea. Some plants, like peppermint, chamomile, and ginger, really do have magical properties that make muscle pain and cramps go away. It’s like they’re gently telling your body, “Hey, relax.”

When trying to figure out how to stop period pain immediately, herbal tea is your best option. It will make you feel better as you drink your newly brewed cup. It’s like giving yourself some gentle loving care in a cup.

Why Period Cramps Become so Bad All of a Sudden?

The level of pain during periods varies from person to person. Some of us experience unbelievable pain, while others experience moderate levels of pain. Do you know why? Well, there are a number of reasons.

Let’s explore them:

#Poor Diet

Let’s understand this by an example. When you drive a petrol car and fuel up the tank with kerosene, what happens? The engine sputters. The same goes for your body. When you put junk in your stomach like sugar, oily food, and other non-nutritious foods, your body also reacts to it. When you load up your body with junk food or high caffeine it messes with your body’s menstrual balance.

Therefore, if you are finding solutions to how to stop period pain immediately at home, make sure you swipe left to the sugary snacks and replace them with fruits and veggies. And don’t forget to drink a lot of water. And if you can dial down on those fries and burgers, it would be even better.

#Too Much Stress

If you are wondering how to stop period cramps immediately, consider how stressed you are. Take a deep breath, do something you love, probably chill out with a good book or listen to some music. Keeping stress in check is the key to reducing period cramps instantly. Practice deep breathing, go for a walk, or chat with a friend—whatever floats your boat and helps you zen out.

#Lack of Sleep

Our body needs proper sleep, just like it needs a balanced diet. Give your body a chance to recharge and get back to full power. Aim for those Z’s like they are gold. Try to have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Hit the hay early, create a bedtime routine, and make sure that your sleep environment is chill and comfortable.

#Ovarian Cyst

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can also show up as cysts in the ovaries. Hormonal imbalances cause a number of small, harmless cysts to form in the ovaries in this form of the disorder. This could lead to a number of health problems, such as painful periods, impotence, and insulin resistance.


Fibroids are non-cancerous growth, putting extra pressure and making your cramps feel like they are in turbo mode. So, if you think that you have them, you must talk to your doctor. They can help you figure out the best way to manage them and ease those cramps.


Period cramps really suck—there’s no sugar-coating it. You now have a new tool to help you fight painful cramps: the Welme period pain relief device, which you can use right at home. Welme makes it simple to get help with just one click. This clinically tested device uses transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which is a tried-and-true way to get rid of muscle cramps gently. Since it’s safe, and works well, you’ll have full control over how comfortable you are.

Welme has your back. Whether you want a quick fix for period pain or don’t know how to stop period pain immediately at home. It’s designed to stimulate endorphins, block pain signals, and reduce inflammation—all in one sleek device.

Want to know more?

What drinks stop period pain?

Well, anything fresh and natural always works. We recommend herbal teas or else warm water with lemon and honey.

What reduces period pain?

You can use heating pads, and painkillers, take a warm bath, have a balanced diet, and sleep properly- these are just a few ways how period pain is relieved. However, if those don’t do the trick, the period pain relief gadget will never disappoint you.

Are painful periods good or bad?

Well, they are generally considered bad as they can impact the quality of life. In fact, the pain is mostly because of issues like fibroids or endometriosis, which might need medical attention.

How to sleep with period cramps?

Try lying on your side with your knees bent, use a heating pad, take a warm bath before bed, and ensure that your sleep environment is cool, dark, and quiet.

Which foods can reduce period cramps?

The right foods can help you correctly. Here are a few of them:

  • Magnesium-rich foods like green-leafy veggies, nuts, and whole grains
  • Flaxseeds and walnuts
  • Antioxidants like berries, kale, and spinach
  • Ginger, turmeric, chamomile, mint, etc.

What not to eat during periods?

Anything fried, salty or sugary should be avoided. Basically, eat foods that are nutritious.

Does chocolate help relieve cramps?

Not any chocolate. You should have dark chocolate and it helps in relieving period pain.

Is ice cream good during periods?

Well, you might crave your favorite ice cream, but cold and sweet foods simply make your cramps worse.

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