How to Induce Period?
For some women, periods or menstruation arrive like clockwork, on the same day each month! Meanwhile, others have less predictable cycles, varying in timing from month to month. Some women want to induce periods to get rid of the anxiety associated with irregular periods, while others want to prepone periods so that they can enjoy their pre-planned holidays WITHOUT Aunt Flow gate-crashing the party.
No matter which category you belong to, you can end the guessing game of “When will my period arrive?” with the most useful actions to induce periods. But before that, if you find yourself anxiously wondering “Why is my period late?”, read on.
Why is your Period Late? 6 Possible Reasons
Pregnancy: Good news for some while a nightmare for others, this is the first thing that you need to rule out. Get a home pregnancy kit and visit your gynecologist for expert consultation.
Hormonal changes: The formation of cysts in the ovaries (PCOS/PCOD) causes hormonal imbalances and missed periods in 3.7-22.5% of Indian women along with other related issues like excess of the male hormone, androgen. A study of 3 lakh Indian women in 2023 revealed that 60% of the Indian women in the age group of 24-34 had PCOS.
Anemia and iron deficiency: Low iron or improper absorption of iron can significantly impact blood flow leading to missed periods. Almost 58.9% of Indian adolescent women were reported to be anemic in the period 2019–21.
Stress: Today no health issue list is complete without “stress” With stress, hormones go out of sync, which in turn affects the hypothalamus- the brain center that regulates blood flow, causing missed periods.
Thyroid: The Human body is a work of science where any imbalance can detour operation. The thyroid hormones control reproductive health and a slight change in the level can cause excessive bleeding, no periods, or stop periods altogether.
Peri-menopause: The preset to menopause (end of periods)-perimenopause is a phase where the menstrual cycle for women usually in the age group of 40-50 takes unpredictable patterns in the form of heavy flow and missed periods for months.
Besides these, there could be numerous other reasons like obesity, low body weight, too much exercise, use of birth control pills, and chronic diseases which could cause a missed period.
6 Sureshot Ways to Induce Periods
So, here is a mix of home remedies and simple scientific hacks that might just come to your rescue when you want to pre-pone menstruation or induce periods.
1. Bust that Stress To Induce Periods
When you don’t get your periods your anxiety reaches a pinnacle and you send your hormones into a tizzy. Women want to excel at everything and when responsibilities and expectations are added to the mix, menstrual health takes a beating. Want a 2-minute hack? Practice Niksen-the art of doing NOTHING! Taking time out for self-care, or just adding practices like yoga, meditation, and yoga nidra can harmonize the hormones, inducing periods. Research published in NCBI has recommended “Yoga Nidra” for managing menstrual irregularities in women
2. Optimum Exercise: Your Way to Menstruation
When it comes to exercise, you can’t go into the “All or nothing” mentality where you switch between being sedentary or physically inactive for 10 days and then suddenly start with 100 jumping jacks a day. Exercising too much can cause the body to tap into the energy needed for its day-to-day processes, which includes menstruation, while not exercising causes obesity resulting in delayed periods. Start with small consistent routines to induce periods normally and find the sweet spot by using your body’s intelligence.
3. Add That Dash of Vitamin C
If you are tired, weak, and irritable, suffer from hair loss, or have face spots and wounds that take time to heal it could be due to Vitamin C deficiency. Menstruation causes blood loss which causes iron loss. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron, raises estrogen levels, and lowers progesterone levels, thus inducing periods. Make an Instagram-worthy orange and lemonade glass for yourself and sip it towards good health. For an exotic twist, add strawberries, a touch of broccoli, and some cruciferous vegetables to your diet, or embrace the classic potato with a fresh, new perspective.
4. Pack A Punch of Papaya to Get Your Periods
It’s no wonder you’ve already tried eating papaya, given the endless tales from grandmothers that have been ingrained in our minds. But does papaya induce periods? Absolutely! Ripe and unripe papaya is power-packed with vitamins C and A, potassium, and magnesium and has a contraceptive effect due to carotene-which stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone, hence inducing the period. Make that papaya fruit platter to induce periods and get the added advantage of reduced bloating and alleviated menstrual discomfort.
5. Add The Ginger Tea Twist For A Joyful Period
Be it winter, monsoon, or summer, tea is an ultimate favorite for Indians, but who would have thought that having your fun cuppa chai could help induce periods? Ginger has a compound called gingerol is believed to lead to uterus contractions, thus helping induce periods. So sip away your anxiety and cast away the no-period blues with a ginger antidote.
6. Hormonal Birth Control-The Last Resort
If none of these hacks for inducing periods work it’s best to resort to the able expertise of the doctors. Usually, the doctor will prescribe hormonal birth control, which is effective in inducing periods within a few days of medication. Never self-medicate using OTC medicines as it can cause more harm than benefits if you are not sure about the underlying causes of your missed periods.
But Have You Braced Yourself For Your Periods!
The last thing you want after getting your period is the pain! Getting periods after a long gap or otherwise causes a lot of discomfort and menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea). The best way to mitigate period pain is by using Welme’s clinically tested, scientifically proven, and safe period pain relief device.
While regular periods are a sign of a healthy female body, it doesn’t have to be a painful process that restricts or constricts you from living a normal life.
Live a holistic life through lifestyle and food modification and cruise through life with Welme’s pain relief device as your trusted companion, periods or no periods!